4. Recommendations for the management of individual species and resources (42)
4.1. Recommendations incorporated in general public publications
In Ecuador:
Recommendations for Ceroxylon echinulatum, Phytelephas aequatorialis, Oenocarpua bataua and Prestoea acuminata have been incorporated in the book:
Valencia R., Montúfar R., Navarrete H., Balslev H. 2013. Palmas ecuatorianas: biologÃa y uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA, PUCE, Quito. 253p.
Within this book, the following chapters have been contributed specifically by WP2 (WP2 members underlined):
Cevallos D., R. Valencia & R. Montúfar. 2013. Ungurahua. Oenocarpus bataua. Pp. 209-223. En: Valencia et al. (eds.) Palmeras Ecuatorianas: BiologÃa y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Escobar S. & R. Montúfar. 2013. 11. Palmito de Castilla: Prestoea acuminata. Pp. 165-174 in: Valencia et al. (eds.) Palmeras Ecuatorianas: BiologÃa y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Montúfar R., Anthelme F. & N. Duarte. 2013. 7. Palma de Ramos: Ceroxylon echinulatum. Pp. 123-134 in: Valencia et al. (eds.) Palmeras Ecuatorianas: BiologÃa y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Montúfar R., G. Brookamp & J. Jácome. 2013. 13. Tagua: Phytelephas aequatorialis. Pp. 165-173 in: Valencia et al. (eds.) Palmeras Ecuatorianas: BiologÃa y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
An additional divulgative article has been produced on Phytelephas aequatorialis:
Montúfar R. 2013. La tagua: de la gloria al olvido. Nuestra Ciencia 15: 77-81.
In Colombia:
Recommendations for Ceroxylon species have been incorporated in the book:
Bernal, R. & G. Galeano (eds.). 2013. Cosechar sin destruir. Aprovechamiento sostenible de palmas colombianas. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 244 p. (due late October 2013)
Within this book, the following chapters have been contributed specifically by WP2 (WP2 members underlined):
SanÃn, M.J. (in press). Palma de cera de la zona cafetera (Ceroxylon alpinum). In Bernal, R. & G. Galeano (eds.) Cosechar sin destruir. Aprovechamiento sostenible de palmas colombianas. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
SanÃn, M.J. (in press). Palma de cera del QuindÃo (Ceroxylon quindiuense). In Bernal, R. & G. Galeano (eds.) Cosechar sin destruir. Aprovechamiento sostenible de palmas colombianas. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
4.2. Recommendations transmitted to targeted audiences
In Colombia and Venezuela:
- A poster to be widely disseminated at the national level is in preparation for the next Palm Sunday ceremonies for awareness of the Catholic community about destructive and sustainable use of wax palms for ritual purposes. It will incorporate information on resilience, regeneration and conservation generated by WP2.
- An activity for children "Fundación Herederos del Planeta" in El Encano, Nariño, explaining the life cycle of the wax palm, and how to develop a nursery for reproduction and reforestation.
- An article in a forestry journal with detailed information about structure and dynamics of emblematic Ceroxylon quindiuense stands, with precise recommendations on conservation and sustainable development of the Cocora valley: Bernal R., SanÃn M.J. 2013. Los palmares de Ceroxylon quindiuense (H. Karst.) H. Wendl. (Arecaceae) en el Valle de Cocora, QuindÃo: perspectivas de un Ãcono escénico de Colombia.Colombia Forestal 16 (1): 67-79.
- Recommendation reports to regional authorities for conservation of wax palms populations at the local scale: (i) Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia (7 July 2012); (ii) JardÃn, Antioquia, Colombia (17 October 2012); (iii) El Encano, Nariño, Colombia (14 April 2011); (iv) Paramo Meriño, Merida, Venezuela (12 July 2012).
- Local, 55 minute television program aiming at providing information on the life cycle and conservation priorities of wax palms, and on the need to change the practices that affect their survival (Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_7fH76l3vQ accessed October 12, 2013).
In Ecuador:
- Course and workshop for the Environmental Police of Ecuador (dates) on identification of wax palm for legal control and conservation.
- Diffusion of a brochure on characterization, management and sustainable use of the wax palm Ceroxylon echinulatum in north-western Ecuador: Montufar R., N. Duarte & F. Anthelme. 2010. La palma de ramos en Ecuador. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, 12 p.
In Peru:
- Realisation of two courses and training in palm identification and conservation in Amazonas region: (i) Leymebamba-Gocta (25-29 July 2013); (ii) Chachapoyas-Rodriguez de Mendoza (30 July-3 August 2013) for local and national universities (UNTRMA, UNMSM), national research institute on the Amazon (IIAP), ONG (Centro Mallqui, ACP Huiquilla) and local communities organizations (Leymebamba Museum, Gocta falls, ACP Bosque de Palmeras de la Comunidad Campesina Taulia Molinopampa, Ocol). The report from the courses, incorporating precise recommendations for each site and a photo identifier of palms species, is being completed and will be diffused both in print and CD in November 2013.
- Workshop on conservation issues of palms in Amazonas region (3 August 2013), organized by the National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendosa of Amazonas (UNTRMA) and hosted by the Municipality of Huambo, Amazonas.
4.3. Contribution to conservation policies and awareness of decision makers:
WP2 contributes directly to the following actions:
- Plan Nacional de Conservación de Palmas (National Action Plan for Palm Conservation) in Colombia (leader Gloria Galeano). This plan incorporates an important aspect on wax palms (Ceroxylon) in which WP2 will contribute with conservation genetics and resilience ecology.
- In Ecuador, WP2 has been active, through Rommel Montúfar, on orienting laws about protection, conservation and sustainable use of Ceroxylon.