Initial conceptual and practical developments on ecological and genetic resilience of the keystone cloud forest palm Ceroxylon echinulatum in Ecuador were achieved by a joint funding of the FP7-PALMS project and an Ecuadorean government funding to Rommel Montúfar and Fabien Anthelme (ECOFONDO grant n°019-ECO7-Inv1) in 2009-2010, to study this endangered palm. Subsequently, the experience gained with this project was used to extend the study to Colombia and Peru.
Anthelme F., Lincango J., Gully C., Duarte N., Montúfar R. 2011. How anthropogenic disturbances affect the resilience of a keystone palm tree in the threatened Andean cloud forest ? Biological Conservation 144: 1059-1067.
In the initial phase of the project, much emphasis has been made in WP2 on the development of the appropriate genetic markers that will be needed subsequently for the different case studies.
This aspect has been realized in conjunction between the FP7-PALMS project and the IRD Flowering Genes Initiative (DRV grant 2008-2009), which aimed at understanding the genetic basis of flowering induction in tropical plants.
Ludeña B., Chabrillange N., Aberlenc-Bertossi F., Adam H., Tregear J.W., Pintaud J.-C. 2011. Phylogenetic utility of the nuclear genes Agamous 1 and phytochrome B in palms (Arecaceae): an example within Bactridinae. Annals of Botany 108: 1433-1444.
This aspect has been realized in conjunction between the FP7-PALMS project and IRD Initiative on African Cereals and Tuber Crops. This association allowed to produce a large set of markers usable for the entire Monocots phylum.
Scarcelli N., Barnaud A., Eiserhardt W., Treier U., Seveno M., d’Anfray A., Vigouroux Y., Pintaud J.-C. 2011. A set of 100 DNA primer pairs to study population genetics and phylogeny in Monocotyledons. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19954. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0019954.
This aspect has been developed within a Marie Curie Action (PIEF-GA-2006–251702, IntraeuropeanFellowhip program for Julissa Roncal, with supervision of Jean-Christophe Pintaud, 2011-2012), in relation to the researches of FP7-PALMS WP2 about the geographical structuration of Astrocaryum diversity in eastern Peru, and an IRD funding to promote interdisciplinary research between biology and geology of the Andes and Amazonia (PPR AMAZ 2011-2013).
Kahn F., Millán B., Pintaud J.-C., Machahua M. 2011. Detailed assessment of the distribution of Astrocaryum sect. Huicungo (Arecaceae) in Peru. Revista Peruana de BiologÃa 18: 279-282. (from FP7-PALMS WP2).
Roncal J., Kahn F., Millan B., Couvreur T.L.P., Pintaud J.C. 2013. Cenozoic colonization and diversification patterns of tropical american palms: evidence form Astrocaryum (Arecaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 120-139. (from IEF Plant Speciation).
Roncal J., Millan B., Kahn F., Couderc M., Pintaud J.C., Baby B. (in prep.) A phylogeographic model for lowland plant species diversification in western Amazonia coupled with Andean tectonics. (Joint publication FP7-PALMS, IEF and PPR AMAZ in preparation).
Rommel Montufar (PUCE, Quito) co-supervised Diana Rodriguez, MSc student from Forest and Landscape Department of Copenhagen University, Denmark. Diana developed her research in the ecology of Ceroxylon echinulatum with the technical and academic support of PALM project in Quito. The result of this cooperation (PALMS-PUCE-Copenhagen University) was published in the Open Journal of Ecology.